Welton Corridor Vision Plan Implementation: Denver, COLORADO
Colorado Department of Local Affairs
Project Partners:
Perspective 3, DOLA, Five Points Business District Office
Project Type:
TOD & Mixed Use
The Project:
ArLand worked with the Perspective 3 team, the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) and the Five Points Business District Office (FPBDO) on an Implementation Plan for the residents and businesses along the Welton Corridor and in the Five Points neighborhood. The plan examined (in detail) the development potentials for catalytic parcels given infrastructure issues, market barriers, land ownership, zoning, and other issues and recommended specific steps for the FPBDO and property owners to undertake to address district revitalization. ArLand addressed commercial services, housing, and implementation issues. Extensive interviews and meetings were conducted with property owners, developers, the Denver Urban Renewal Authority (DURA), the Office of Economic Development (OED) and others. The City has funded predevelopment activities in the area with a challenge grant. The developers who won the grant and other property owners / developers are currently moving forward with a variety of development projects in line with the implementation plan recommendations.