RiNo Park Business Case Analysis: Denver, Colorado
City and County of Denver
Project Partners:
Project Type:
Market Study, Development Financial Feasibility, Business Case Analysis
The Project:
The City is planning for a future park on City-owned property at 35th Street and Arkins Court in the heart of the RiNo neighborhood. There are several buildings on the property that were originally scheduled to be demolished. During the course of the public process, members of the community indicated a strong desire to retain the buildings and reuse them for community benefit.
Our Role:
ArLand, in partnership with Artspace, worked with the City of Denver’s North Denver Cornerstone Collaborative (NDCC), and the Parks and Recreation Department on a business case analysis for the reuse / redevelopment of several buildings in the City’s future RiNo Park. ArLand prepared a market study and financial analysis examining the “business case” for retaining the buildings, and the potential benefits (and costs to the City) of reuse/redevelopment. The uses examined included food and beverage, potential library maker space, event space, and office. The analysis entailed a number of key stakeholder interviews.